Lab No. 3: Working with Permissions

In this lab we will:

  • learn about file permissions
  • learn to create symbolic links and hard links

Lab Preparation

Since this Lab requires you to experiment with permissions, we will work with a Virtual Machine instead of working on in order to work on a system where we have administrator rights. Each one of the Mac machines in the Lab has the software that we require to quickly setup a VM for this lab: VirtualBox which is a Virtual Machine hypervisor, and Vagrant, which is an automation tool that will allow us to set up a Virtual Machine quickly by using a precreated VM (instead of creating a new blank VM and installing the OS from scratch).

Open a terminal session on your Mac workstation. While on your Mac (this means, do not log into blue), create a directory called cs210lab3 in the default home directory and change your current directory into it.

Then type the following commands to setup a the Virtual Machine:

vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64

This will start downloaded a VM image. Once the process is completed, then type the following command to start te virtual machine:

vagrant up

The VM will be running in the background. To connect to it type:

vagrant ssh
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-109-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

Notice how the prompt changed. If your prompt does not look like vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ask your instructor for help. If your prompt looks correct, then you are effectively connected to the VM as the vagrant user, which can perform administrative tasks such as creating users, groups, and change permissions of any files within the Virtual Machine’s File system.

We need to install a few utilies to finish the rest of lab, so execute these commands (their output is ommitted for brevity).

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo apt-get update
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo apt-get -y install less


The rest of the lab requires you to work on this Virtual Machine, not in

File Permissions

Users and Groups

Linux supports several methods of controlling access to files an directories. In this lab we are going to learn about the Unix access control model that is based based on the concepts of:

  • file ownership
  • group membership
  • read, write and execute permissions

A user is an individual access account. A group is a set of users. When user accounts are created, they are assigned a username and a user id (or uid), and also a primary group which defaults to the same as the user id.

To find out your uid and the groups that your account is associated with, use the id command:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ id
uid=1000(vagrant) gid=1000(vagrant) groups=1000(vagrant)

User account information is stored in the /etc/passwd file. Each line on this file corresponds to a user record, which contains 7 fields separated by a colon (:):

  • username: the name used to login into the system. It should be between 1 to 32 charcters long.
  • password: a value of x indicates the account has an encrypted password stored in /etc/shadow.
  • user ID (UID): user identification number. By default UID 0 is reserved for root user and UID’s ranging from 1-99 are reserved for other predefined accounts. Further UID’s ranging from 100-999 are reserved for system accounts and groups.
  • group ID (GID): primary group ID.
  • user info: This field is optional and allow you to define extra information about the user. Tipically contains the account’s full name.
  • home directory: The absolute path of the user’s home directory.
  • shell: The absolute path of the user’s default shell.

You can inspect this file with the less command (to exit type q):

vagrant@base-debootstrap: ~$ less /etc/passwd

Every Linux distribution has a different set of accounts that are added during installation. One account that is always created is root, and it is the most privileged account on a Linux/Unix system. This account has unrestricted access to any file or task in the system. This account is tipically rarely used in production systems, and instead other accounts are granted specific admin privileges using security policies (such as the sudoers security policy - more on this later on this lab).

Ownership and Membership

Under the Unix security model, users can own files and directories and they can belong to one or more groups

When a user owns a file or directory, they have control over its access. When a user belongs to a group, they can be given access to files and directories by their owners. A user can also get access to files and directories whose owner has granted access to the world (also known as “others”).

Every file in a Unix system is owned by a user and it is also associated with a group. Access to files can be specified based on:

  • the file’s Owner: The user account that owns the file. By default, the owner of a file is set as the user that created the file. Ownership and permisions of a file can only be changed by the file owner or by the root account.
  • the file’s Group: Each file has a group associated, and group permissions apply to all the users that are members of the file’s group.
  • the rest of the world (Other): Any other account that is not the owner or part of the file’s group.

There are three types of permissions that can be granted or revoked for a file: Read, Write and Execute. These permission types have a different meaning depending of the file type:

Access Type Regular Files Directories
read Read the contents of the file List the contents of a directory
write Modify the contents of a file Create or remove files in the directory
execute Run a file as a program Set the directory as working directory / copy files from the directory (sticky bit restrictions apply)

The easiest way to inspect a file’s ownership and permission attributes is by running the ls command with the long listing option that you learned in the previous Lab (ls -l):

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l /etc/apt
total 44
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Jan 18  2018 apt.conf.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Apr 14  2016 preferences.d
-rw------- 1 root root   194 Jan 18  2018 sources.list
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Apr 14  2016 sources.list.d
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12255 Jan 18  2018 trusted.gpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  9044 Jan 18  2018 trusted.gpg~
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Apr 14  2016 trusted.gpg.d

The leftmost field of each line contains the following file attributes:

File Type:
The type of file according to this table:
Attribute File Type
- Regular File
d Directory
l Symbolic link
s Socket
p Pipe
c Character device file
b Block file

Changing File Permissions

File permission attributes are assigned through the chmod (“change file mode”) command. There are two ways of specifying file permissions: octal and symbolic representation.

The following table shows the octal representation of the different permission modes:

Octal Binary Mode
0 000
1 001 –x
2 010 -w-
3 011 -wx
4 100 r–
5 101 r-x
6 110 rw-
7 111 rwx

When setting the mode for a file using the octal notation, we need to specify the mode for the owner, group and others; we can not just specify a value for only one of those permission classes.

Let’s try creating a file called file_one and observe its permission attributes (also known as the permission bits):

vagrant@base-debootstrap: ~$ touch file_one
vagrant@base-debootstrap: ~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:47 file_one

The current permissions -rw-rw-r-- for file_one mean that the file can be read and written by the vagrant user, by members of the vagrant group, and any other user can read it. Lets change the permission bits of file_one so any user can also write to it. In order to do this, we want to set the permissions to -rw-rw-rw-, which correspond to 666 in octal:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod 666 file_one
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:47 file_one

In the previous example, we used the octal mode notation. Let’s experiment using the symbolic mode notation.

With the symbolic notation we do not have to specify all the permission classes. Instead, we use the symbols u for owner(user), g for group, o for others and a for all (that is, to apply the same change to all u, g and o at the same time), and then the + character to indicate the grant of one or more of the permissions (r, w or x), the - character to revoke a permission, or the = character to set the permissions as stated (adds the passed permissions and removes the ommitted ones). The following example creates a file called file_two and uses symbolic notation to apply the same changes we made earlier using octal notation:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ touch file_two
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:47 file_one
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:48 file_two
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod o+w file_two
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:47 file_one
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:48 file_two

Here’s the same operation but using the = operation with symbolic notation:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ touch file_three
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:47 file_one
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:49 file_three
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:48 file_two
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod o=rw file_three
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:47 file_one
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:49 file_three
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:48 file_two

Default Permissions

You might have noticed when you created the three previous files, they all had their mode set to 664 by default. This is controlled by the file creation mode mask. You can verify the currently active file creation mode mask with the umask command:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ umask

How does that work? We can figure it out by looking at the following table

Default regular file permissions octal          6   6   6
Symbolic notation                             rw- rw- rw-
(A)  Binary                                   110 110 110
umask octal                                     0   0   2
Binary                                        000 000 010
(B) binary negated                            111 111 101
bitwise A & B                                 110 110 100
final permissions Symbolic                    rw- rw- r--

To test this, lets change the permissions mask and create a new file:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ umask 277
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ touch file_four
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 0
-r-------- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 02:11 file_four
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:47 file_one
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:49 file_three
-rw-rw-rw- 1 vagrant vagrant 0 Feb  1 01:48 file_two

To continuer working on this lab, change the umask back to its default:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ umask 002

Putting it together

In this part of the lab, we are going to test how permissions work.

First, we are doing to create users. User administration requires admin (obviously!) rights, which the vagrant account does not have. If we try to create a new user account, the operation will not succeed:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ adduser john
adduser: Only root may add a user or group to the system.

However, we can use the sudo command which allows the current user to execute commands as other users as long as there is a security policy that enables it. The VM that we are using has a security policty that enables the vagrant account to perform any task or access any file as superuser (if you are curious about this, inspect the last line of the /etc/sudoers file). In this case we will use it to create a user named curly (enter “curly” as password when prompted, accept all the other prompts as the defaults):

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo adduser curly
Adding user `curly' ...
Adding new group `curly' (1001) ...
Adding new user `curly' (1001) with group `curly' ...
Creating home directory `/home/curly' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for curly
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
        Full Name []:
        Room Number []:
        Work Phone []:
        Home Phone []:
        Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y

We can use the following command to confirm that curly was created:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /etc/passwd | grep curly

The getent command can also be used to get entries from several files, among them the passwd file:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ getent passwd curly

Another alternative to verify an accound details is the id command:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ id curly
uid=1001(curly) gid=1001(curly) groups=1001(curly)

Create the following users: larry, moe, shemp and joe following the same procedure.

We are now going to create a group, using the addgroup command:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo addgroup stooges
Adding group `stooges' (GID 1006) ...

We can verify the group was added by inspecting the /etc/group file. Since every user also gets a group created with the same name, then we should see 6 new entries added at the end of this file:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /etc/group | tail -6

If you noticed that the user id and group id matched for each one of the users we just created, don’t think that is always the case. That is simply a coincidence. For example, now that we created a standalone group (stooges), if we create a new user named harold his user id and group id will not match:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo adduser harold
Adding user `harold' ...
Adding new group `harold' (1007) ...
Adding new user `harold' (1006) with group `harold' ...
Creating home directory `/home/harold' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for harold
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
        Full Name []:
        Room Number []:
        Work Phone []:
        Home Phone []:
        Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n]
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ id harold
uid=1006(harold) gid=1007(harold) groups=1007(harold)

Let’s make curly, larry and moe part of the stooges group:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo adduser curly stooges
Adding user `curly' to group `stooges' ...
Adding user curly to group stooges
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo adduser larry stooges
Adding user `larry' to group `stooges' ...
Adding user larry to group stooges
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ sudo adduser moe stooges
Adding user `moe' to group `stooges' ...
Adding user moe to group stooges

To verify the previous operations:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /etc/group | grep stooges

Let’s impersonate curly. For this, we will use the su command, which is used to start a shell as another user (make sure you enter curly’s password when prompted).

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ pwd

Noticed how the prompt changed letting you know that you are now acting as user curly and also that your current working directory is he home directory of curly.

Now that we are acting as curly, let’s create a file,

curly@base-debootstrap:~$ cat << EOF > curlyfile.txt
> This is curly's secret file.
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 curly curly 29 Feb  1 07:55 curlyfile.txt

Currently, that file is readable by anyone. Let’s confirm that with users moe and harold:

curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/curlyfile.txt
This is curly's secret file.
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - harold
harold@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/curlyfile.txt
This is curly's secret file.
harold@base-debootstrap:~$ exit

Let’s assume that curly wants to make that file available to only members of the stooges group. The first thing he needs to do is to change the file’s group:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chgrp stooges curlyfile.txt
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 curly stooges 29 Feb  1 07:55 curlyfile.txt

The next thing that we need to do is to remove the read access to others:

curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod o-r curlyfile.txt
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-rw---- 1 curly stooges 29 Feb  1 07:55 curlyfile.txt

After this change, moe should be able to still read the file (since he is a member of the stooges group) and harold should not:

curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/curlyfile.txt
This is curly's secret file.
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - harold
harold@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/curlyfile.txt
cat: /home/curly/curlyfile.txt: Permission denied
harold@base-debootstrap:~$ exit

Let’s see now how directory permissions work. Let’s create a new directory under curly home directory and move the curlyfile.txt to this directory.

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ mkdir secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-rw---- 1 curly stooges   29 Feb  1 07:55 curlyfile.txt
drwxrwxr-x 2 curly curly   4096 Feb  1 08:30 secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ mv curlyfile.txt secret

Let’s check if moe is still able to read the file:

curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt
This is curly's secret file.

So far, things still work, and this is because the newly created directory has rwxrwxr-x permissions. Lets get back as curly and change the permissions of the /home/curly/secret directory so other users can not read or execute from it:

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod o-rx secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt
cat: /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt: Permission denied

The reason why moe can not read the file anymore is because the directory that contains it is associated with the curly group, not with the stooges group. If we change the group associated with the /home/curly/secret directory to stooges, then moe should be able to read the file again.

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chgrp stooges secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt
This is curly's secret file.

Let’s see what happens when moe tries to list the contents for the /home/curly/secret directory

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ ls /home/curly/secret
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cp /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt .
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ ls

Both operations succeeded. If curly wanted to prevent users from the stooges group from listing contents of it’s directory, then he needs to remove the r bit:

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod g-r secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ ls /home/curly/secret
ls: cannot open directory '/home/curly/secret': Permission denied

After the last change that curly made to the /home/curly/secret directory, moe is not able to list the contents of the directory anymore. However, he can still read and copy the files contained in it:

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt
This is curly's secret file.
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cp /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt .

What if we now remove the x bit?

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod g-x secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -l
total 4
drwx-w---- 2 curly stooges 4096 Feb  1 08:30 secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cp /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt .
cp: cannot stat '/home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt': Permission denied
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt
cat: /home/curly/secret/curlyfile.txt: Permission denied

One thing we haven’t tried is to have moe create files in the /home/curly/secret directory:

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat << EOF > /home/curly/secret/moefile.txt
> This is moe's secret file
-su: /home/curly/secret/moefile.txt: Permission denied

Although the /home/curly/secret/ directory still has the w bit set for the group, it won’t allow the creation of files, and this is because in order to do this we need the x bit set. If we add back the x permission, then moe will be able to create a file on it:

moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod g+x secret
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ exit
vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - moe
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ cat << EOF > /home/curly/secret/moefile.txt
> This is moe's secret file
moe@base-debootstrap:~$ exit

Let’s see now how execute permissions work for files. Assume curly wants to create script that prints the date:

vagrant@base-debootstrap:~$ su - curly
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ cat << EOF > secret/
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "Today is" $(date)
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ secret/
-su: secret/ Permission denied

If curly created the secret/ script, how is it possible that he can’t execute it? The reason is the file’s x bit:

curly@base-debootstrap:~$ ls -ltrh secret
total 12K
-rw-rw---- 1 curly stooges 29 Feb  1 07:55 curlyfile.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 moe   moe     26 Feb  1 09:09 moefile.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 curly curly   57 Feb  1 09:17

Let’s update the permissions and try again:

curly@base-debootstrap:~$ chmod ug+x secret/
curly@base-debootstrap:~$ secret/
Today is Sat Feb  1 09:17:29 UTC 2020