Lab No. 6: I/O Redirection

After completing this lab, students will be able to:

  • describe stdout, stdin and stderr
  • run commands that employ I/O redirection
  • work with the contents of files through the cat command
  • apply the tee, sort and uniq commands
  • apply /dev/null to discard output or errors

Standard Input, Standard Output and Standard Error

So far in this class we have run commands and have seen how their output is printed on the screen. Also, we have focused our attention in running commands that receive their input from key presses obtained from your keyboard. In this section of the lab we are going to learn how to change the way we can interact with the output produced by programs and also change the way programs receive input. This is done through a mechanism known as I/O redirection.

When you execute commands, the operating system creates a process.

Three important file descriptors are assigned to each process:

  • 0: stdin
  • 1: stdout
  • 2: stderr

Standard output, or stdout, is the file where the process write its output. Processes do not need to “know” where the data that they output will be written, it can go to a device (e.g. printer), an ordinary file, a socket, a screen (which is the default behavior for interactive shell sessions), etc. The operating system abstracts the end point where the output is written. By default, for interactive process, stdout is mapped to the pseudoterminal where the command is executed.

Standard input, or stdin, is the file where the program gets information from. In the same fashion as stdout, the operating system controls the file that a process uses to receive input. By default, for interactive commands, stdin is mapped to the keyboard attached to the pseudoterminal where the command is executed.

Standard error, or stderr, is the file where errors are written, and for interactive sessions if defaults to the screen. Just as stdout, for interactive applications stderr is mapped to the pseudoterminal where the command is executed

To be more technically accurate stdin, stdout and sterr are “I/O streams”, instead of regular files that are save to disk. Unix has the philosophy that everything is a file as far as I/O is concerned. What that means in practical terms is that you can use the same library functions and interfaces without worrying about whether the file you are working is an I/O stream connected to a keyboard, a disk file, a socket, a pipe, or any other I/O abstraction

Redirection Operators

The following table has some common operators that are used to change where bytes read from stdin come from, or where bytes written to stdout and stderr go to:

Operator Effect
> Redirects stdout to a new file. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
>> Appends stdout to an existing file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
2> Redirects stder to a new file. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
2>> Appends stderr to an existing file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
&> Redirects both stdout and stderr to a new file. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.
&>> Appends both stdout and stderr to an existing file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
2>&1 Redirects stderr to stdout
>&2 Redirects stdout to stderr
< Redirects stdin to read from a file.
<< Uses text in several lines as stdin (know as a heredoc)

Redirecting stdout and stderr

Let’s see some example of redirection in action. First let’s list all the files that start with c within /var/log:

[user@blue ~]$ ls -ld /var/log/c*
drwx------  2 cassandra cassandra    4096 Oct  4  2018 /var/log/cassandra
drwxr-xr-x. 2 chrony    chrony       4096 Apr  4  2018 /var/log/chrony
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root      root         4096 Apr 12  2018 /var/log/cluster
-rw-------  1 root      root       136803 Mar  1 13:33 /var/log/cron
-rw-------  1 root      root      5113530 Feb 10 04:50 /var/log/cron-20200209
-rw-------  1 root      root      4510889 Feb 16 11:53 /var/log/cron-20200216
-rw-------  1 root      root      4781538 Feb 23 11:50 /var/log/cron-20200223
-rw-------  1 root      root      4790354 Mar  1 13:33 /var/log/cron-20200301
drwxr-xr-x. 2 lp        sys          4096 Aug  6  2018 /var/log/cups
drwx------  2 custodia  custodia     4096 Aug  7  2017 /var/log/custodia

Suppose you want to save the output of the find command to a file called clogs.txt. You can use redirection in the following way:

[user@blue lab06]$ ls -ld /var/log/c* > clogs.txt

The cat command

In this lab we are going to make heavy use of the cat command. This command is used to read the contents of files and write them to stdout.

If you call the comand with arguments, they are interpreted as a list of files. For example, if you execute cat somefile1.txt somefile2.txt it will read somefile1.txt and somefile2.txt and write their contents to stdout

Let’s use cat inspect the output of clogs.txt and compare with the output you obtained in the terminal. We should see exactly the same output (well, the file sizes and time stamps could have changed if by any chance a cron job was executed between commands).

[user@blue ~]$ cat clogs.txt
drwx------  2 cassandra cassandra    4096 Oct  4  2018 /var/log/cassandra
drwxr-xr-x. 2 chrony    chrony       4096 Apr  4  2018 /var/log/chrony
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root      root         4096 Apr 12  2018 /var/log/cluster
-rw-------  1 root      root       136803 Mar  1 13:33 /var/log/cron
-rw-------  1 root      root      5113530 Feb 10 04:50 /var/log/cron-20200209
-rw-------  1 root      root      4510889 Feb 16 11:53 /var/log/cron-20200216
-rw-------  1 root      root      4781538 Feb 23 11:50 /var/log/cron-20200223
-rw-------  1 root      root      4790354 Mar  1 13:33 /var/log/cron-20200301
drwxr-xr-x. 2 lp        sys          4096 Aug  6  2018 /var/log/cups
drwx------  2 custodia  custodia     4096 Aug  7  2017 /var/log/custodia

Now let’s try something similar, but this time let’s use the find command

[user@blue ~]$ find /var/log/c*
find: ‘/var/log/cassandra’: Permission denied
find: ‘/var/log/custodia’: Permission denied

Notice that find presents you with some Permission denied errors for those directories where it can not list their contents because you don’t have permission. Remember that find by default tries to recursively list subdirectories, and in this case it is unssucessfully trying to list the contentw of /var/log/cassandra and /var/log/custodia.

Now, let’s write the output of the find command to clogs.txt:

[user@blue lab06]$ find /var/log/c* > clogs.txt
find: ‘/var/log/cassandra’: Permission denied
find: ‘/var/log/custodia’: Permission denied

The first thing you should notice is how the Permission denied errors were still written to the terminal screen. Let’s read the contents of clogs.txt using the cat command and notice how the listing did not include the error messages, and also that the clogs.txt file was completely overwritten:

[user@blue lab06]$ cat clogs.txt

What happened here is that the Permission denied messages are actually written to stderr. Since the > operator only redirects stdout, anything that the command wrote to stderr still gets written to the terminal. Let’s try redirecting stderr to clogs.txt:

[user@blue lab06]$ find /var/log/c* 2> clogs.txt

Notice how this time clogs.txt only has the error messages:

[user@blue lab06]$ cat clogs.txt
find: ‘/var/log/cassandra’: Permission denied
find: ‘/var/log/custodia’: Permission denied

We can also redirect both stdout and stderr to a file:

[user@blue lab06]$ find /var/log/c* &> clogs.txt
[user@blue lab06]$ cat clogs.txt
find: ‘/var/log/cassandra’: Permission denied
find: ‘/var/log/custodia’: Permission denied

Another idiom that is commonly used to write both stdout and stderr to a file is to first redirect stderr to stdout and then stdout to a file:

[user@blue lab06]$ find /var/log/c* > clogs.txt 2>&1
[user@blue lab06]$ cat clogs.txt
find: ‘/var/log/cassandra’: Permission denied
find: ‘/var/log/custodia’: Permission denied

Note that for this approach the order matters and if instead you use the command find /var/log/c* 2>&1 > clogs.txt the redirection will not work.

The bit bucket

The file /dev/null is a special file that discards all data written to it. This file is used very often when stdout or stderr needs to be supressed. This file is commonly known as the bit bucket

Following the previous exemple, suppose you want to write sdout to clogs.txt and want to avoid the Permission denied errors showing on the terminal. We can do that by sending stderr to /dev/null:

[user@blue ~]$ find /var/log/c* > clogs.txt 2> /dev/null
[user@blue ~]$ cat clogs.txt

Redirecting stdin

The cat command has a very useful feature that if no files are specified (that is, when it is executed without any arguments) then it reads text from stdin.

The cat command reads input from stdin and writes to stdout. In the following example, once you press Enter after typing the cat command, the terminal not return to the prompt immediately, and instead it will be reading any input you type. Type any test you want, notice how everytime that you hit enter the text gets written back to stdout

[user@blue lab06]$ cat

To make cat stop reading text from stdin press the CRTL+D combination. This combinations sends a special non printable EOF (End of File) character. Be careful! If you press this combination when you are not in a mode where a command is reading from stdin, you will send this character to the shell (bash) which will close your current session.

So if we execute the following command exactly the same result as if we were passing the argument directly.

[user@blue lab06]$ cat < clogs.txt
find: ‘/var/log/cassandra’: Permission denied
find: ‘/var/log/custodia’: Permission denied

Using Pipes

We can use pipes to create elaborate command sequences where the output from one command is used as the input of another command. This is done using the pipe operator |.

As an example, if you run the command ls -l /usr/bin you’ll get a very long list of files. It will be much nicer to be able to page through those results. The less command is a pager, and it will be great if we could pass the output from the ls command directly without having to write a file on disk. Pipelines allows us to do just that in a very simple way. Try running the command ls -l /usr/bin | less

Pipelines do not have to be composed of only two commands; they can chain as many commands as you need. For example, what if you want to obtain the list of files under /usr/bin that contain the word “gnome” on them, and then inspect thee output on a pager? We can use the grep command to filter the output from ls: ls /usr/bin/ | grep gnome | less

The grep command

The grep command is probably one of the most heavily utilized commands in Unix systems. It allows you to search files that containe character strings that match a pattern. grep allows you to define very complex search patterns, known as regular expressions. In this lab section we’ll introduce the most basic patterns to use to search inside files.

Let’s download Alice in Wonderland , convert it to unix endings and search for the word Cheshire on it:

[user@blue lab06]$ wget -q
[user@blue lab06]$ dos2unix 11-0.txt
dos2unix: converting file 11-0.txt to Unix format...
[user@blue lab06]$ grep -e Cheshire 11-0.txt
“It’s a Cheshire cat,” said the Duchess, “and that’s why. Pig!”
“I didn’t know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn’t
was a little startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of
“Cheshire Puss,” she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know
to herself “It’s the Cheshire Cat: now I shall have somebody to talk
“It’s a friend of mine—a Cheshire Cat,” said Alice: “allow me to
When she got back to the Cheshire Cat, she was surprised to find quite

In the previous command the -e Cheshire part specifies the pattern that we wanted grep to match. By default grep searches for patterns on a line-by-line basis. In this case, Cheshire means to match lines where the literal word Cheshire occurs anywhere within a line.

grep allows you to specify very complex patterns using metacharacters. One of the most common cases is when you need to match a line that starts with a specific word. This can be done by using the caret ^ metacharacter which means “the begining of a line”. For example, let’s search for those lines in the Alice in Wonderland book that start with the word “Alice”:

[user@blue ~]$ grep -e '^Alice' 11-0.txt
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the
Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a
Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment:
Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other, trying every
... (output truncated for brevity)

In a similar way, we can use the dollar sign metacharacter $ to specify “the end of line”.

[user@blue ~]$ grep -e Alice$ 11-0.txt
conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice
size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice
Dodo, a Lory and an Eaglet, and several other curious creatures. Alice
“We must burn the house down!” said the Rabbit’s voice; and Alice
“Have you guessed the riddle yet?” the Hatter said, turning to Alice
always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice
“Oh, a song, please, if the Mock Turtle would be so kind,” Alice
One of the jurors had a pencil that squeaked. This of course, Alice

The ^ and $ metacharacters are known as “anchors” because they let you specify a position within the line.

Another very commont metacharacter is the dot . which matches any characters. Let’s see that in action:

Let’s see that in action:

[user@blue ~]$ grep -e .atter 11-0.txt
either question, it didn’t much matter which way she put it. She felt
After a time she heard a little pattering of feet in the distance, and
shape doesn’t matter,” it said,) and then all the party were placed
little pattering of footsteps in the distance, and she looked up
Then came a little pattering of feet on the stairs. Alice knew it was
looking for eggs, I know _that_ well enough; and what does it matter to
“It matters a good deal to _me_,” said Alice hastily; “but I’m not
to see what was the matter with it. There could be no doubt that it had
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
... (output truncated for brevity)

The use of metacharacters poses one problem: how would we match a literal metacharacter? For example, supposed you want to match all lines that end with “Cat.” (that is, “Cat” followed by a period) We we use Cat. we get these results:

[user@blue ~]$ grep -e Cat. 11-0.txt
 CHAPTER V.     Advice from a Caterpillar
then the Rabbit’s voice along—“Catch him, you by the hedge!” then
Advice from a Caterpillar
The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in
silence: at last the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth, and
“Who are _you?_” said the Caterpillar.

This problem is solved by escaping the dot, which gives it back it literal meaning. Escaping is done by prepending a backslash, and enclosing the pattern in single quotes:

[user@blue ~]$ grep -e 'Cat\.' 11-0.txt
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
“Call it what you like,” said the Cat. “Do you play croquet with the
“By-the-bye, what became of the baby?” said the Cat. “I’d nearly
“Did you say pig, or fig?” said the Cat.

We will cover the grep command with more details in future labs.

The tee command

The command tee sends its output in two directions at once: anything attached to tee’s stdin goes to both a file and to its stdout (its name is given because it acts as a “T” junction in a pipe).

As an example, the command the following commandwrites the listing of your home directory to both the terminal and to a file called myhome.txt

[user@blue lab06]$ ls ~ | tee myhome.txt

The uniq command

The unique command takes a list and removes duplicated elements.

Let’s create a file that has many repeated words. For this we are going to use the heredoc form of reading from stdin and redirecting the output to a file calee words.txt:

[user@blue lab06]$ cat << EOF > words.txt
heredoc> the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
heredoc> the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
heredoc> the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
heredoc> the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
heredoc> EOF

Now, if we call uniq with an argument of words.txt we can see that it removes duplicate lines:

[user@blue lab06]$ uniq words.txt
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

The uniq command also accepts reading from stdin when no arguments have been passed:

[user@blue lab06]$ uniq < words.txt
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

The sort command

The sort command sorts a list.

[user@blue lab06]$ cat << EOF > names.txt
heredoc> henry
heredoc> anna
heredoc> zoey
heredoc> charles
heredoc> EOF
[user@blue lab06]$ sort names.txt

Just as other commands we have learned, sort also accepts reading from stdin when no arguments are passed:

[user@blue lab06]$ sort < names.txt

The head and tail commands

The head and tail commands allow you to restrict output of a process or the content of a file to a certain number of lines from the top or from the bottom of a file. The -n modifier lets you specify the number of files that you want these commands to return.

[user@blue lab06]$ head -n 2 names.txt
[user@blue lab06]$ tail -n 2 names.txt

As before, these two commands accept input from stdin

[user@blue lab06]$ head -n 2 < names.txt

Building a command pipeline

Let’s put the commands we just learn to practice. Supposed you are asked to find out which are the first two names in the file names.txt sorted in alphabetical order. In order to get the answer, we need to first sort the contents of the file and then select the first two lines. Without pipes, we would have to write the results of the sort command to a temporary file, and then we would execute the head command using that temporary file as and argument in order to obtain the desired output. With pipes, we can do it all in a single command:

[user@blue lab06]$ sort names.txt  | head -n 2

Part 1 (4 pts)

Suppose there are two files in your working directory, called foo and bar that have the following contents

[you@blue ~]$ cat foo
[you@blue ~]$ cat bar
  1. Provide a command that will produce a file called smallest.txt with the 4 smallest numbers amongst the two files. if you inspect the contents of the resulting file, the output should be:
[user@blue lab06]$ cat smallest.txt

Part 2 (6 pts)

In this exercise we will determine how many files of type .png with unique names exist in the /home directory. You will build the command in a series of steps, please make sure that you include the resulting command at each step. Please include in your report all the commands at each step. Begin with providing a command that will list all the files recursively, with each file on its own line ls -1R /home.

  1. The previous command will produce a very long output and some error messages due to permissions. The first task is to use redirection so you will not get any error messages in the output.
  2. The next step is to filter so only the files that end with .png are shown. Note that the . is a metacharacter so you will need to escape it (the default escape character is \). Provide an augmented command so the output only reflects files that end in .png.
  3. Enhance the command so the returned list is sorted.
  4. Enhance the command so the returned list does not have any duplicated items
  5. Add a pipe to the wc command so the number of files is printed (use the -l option to only print the number of lines)
  6. Modify the previous command so the list of files is written to a file called png_list.out but it still prints the number of files to the screen.