Grading: 10 pts Q1-Q5: 2 pts 1) a job execution can generate a .dat file always and possibly a .err file. All we have to do is to list all the .dat files and count them. ls -1 *.dat | wc -l 100 2) Job executions with less than 4 cores are all the .dat files that have either 2 cores or 1 core: ls -1 *_[12]core*.dat | wc -l 44 3) ls -1 *fft[12]*02??.dat | wc -l 6 4) ls -1 {leo,chronos}*2017??0[1-9].dat {leo,chronos}*2017??1[0-4].dat | wc -l 7 5) touch 201{0..2}-{01..12}